28 July 2008

Obama for PM

It makes sense that Barack Obama wrapped up his hugely successful trip abroad with a visit to London. He met with both Labour's Gordy and David Cameron (he of the loyal opposition ... and who many, many people feel with be the next PM, since Labour is having a spot of bother of late).

In fact, it was the Tory leader who seemed to get on best with the presumptive nominee/messiah, suggesting that he go on holiday and not let anyone muck around with his diary when he does become the leader of the free world.

Obama also "met" with adoring crowds -- which is why I suggest that he could be elected PM in addition to president.

Interestingly, he avoided the usual talk of the "special relationship," favouring the phrase "transatlantic alliance." But the main thrust was well anglophiliac. Here's a quote from the man of whom the Guardian said, "He came, he saw, he sprinkled us with stardust."

"We just like the people [of the UK]! There is a deep and abiding affection for the British people in America and a fascination with all things British that's not going to go away any time soon."
You had me at "transatlantic alliance," Mr O, you had me at "transatlantic alliance."

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