03 July 2008

Happy "Independence" Day

Unless there's some big news, I may take the 4th off (and I usually don't blog on Saturdays as well).

It's an appropriate time to ponder the question of how independent we really are in America if we rely on the UK so heavily to set the trends in music, entertainment, etc. With everyone playing Grand Theft Auto (produced by UK's own Rockstar Games), with Coldplay at the top of the charts, and Brits leading theatre, cinema, and television ... In a world where pop culture is the culture, how independent are we? Of course, I say, bring it on!

So as a holiday treat, I'll leave you with a couple of bits and bobs/odds and sods pointing out that are a little different to the way we do things here (read like Jerry Seinfeld):
*What is the deal with A4 paper -- can't we agree on the same paper size?
*What is Marmite made out of and why do people love it so much?
*Why haven't we heard of The Mighty Boosh on this side of the Atlantic?
*Why don't Americans use the stone system of measuring a person's weight? Better yet, how can the Brits still hold onto this tradition, plus English, plus metric? They must be very clever.
*Don't get me started with the driving on the left thing.

Feel free to come up with some more of these. Happy 4th of July.


take19 said...

Poor Midnight! Does it really have to wear doll's clothes in this heat?

Mmm said...

Most of us are either metric of old school. I was forced to learn metric but or teachers and us kids all refused to give up the old system so we stuck to that!!