14 September 2008

Seems I Picked Quite a Year to Get Involved with English Football

Checked today's scores.

Chelsea beat Manchester City 3-1! And it was Liverpool over Manchester United 2-1 ! The result is the top of the standings have been virtually unchanged since the beginning of the season. Amazing.

West Brom beat West Ham ... sorry Russell Brand. Brand, it turns out, is a rabid West Ham supporter. He even writes a column for the Guardian about football.

What an interesting country. Stephen Fry writes about technology in his spare time and the bad-boy of British comedy writes about sport? That would be like picking up the paper and Robin Williams has an article in there about fine dining and Dane Cook has an Op-Ed about the management of the New England Patriots of something.

Celebrity seems to means something different there. It's more personal, like you can have a chat with even their most-famous countrymen. I'll have to explore this more in future.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes Man U managed to score for both teams and then lose - a total fiasco!