17 September 2008

A New Discovery -- Look Around You

This might not be new to many of you, but it was a startling discovery for me.

Robert Popper and Peter Serafinowicz and a merry band of idiots started a show on the BBC called Look Around You in 2002. The most memorable episodes send up educational films of the 70s and early 80s. And it's spot on -- is you grew up in those decades, you'll definitely recongnize the style, even if you were trapped in New Jersey like I was. Take a look at just the first 30 seconds of the episode below. It's perfect.

I embedded the one on Maths just because I've always thought that "maths" was a more accurate way of abreviating "mathematics" ... just another way that British English is superior to American English. But they are all brilliant.

It's been on BBC America and it's also available on DVD.

Can you imagine such lunacy on American telly? Me neither. I've said it before, but even though the BBC's business plan seems strange -- even Socialist -- Socialism obviously has its charms because it produced some pretty amazing entertainment.

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