25 August 2008

The New Most Beautiful Words

Henry James might have thought that the most beautiful words in the English language were "summer afternoon," but "See you in 2012 in London" sounded pretty sweet to me.

Now that everyone can quiet down about Beijing, we can focus on the real capital of the world. As if our city on the Thames needed another push, the Olympics will absolutely make London the place to be: An English-speaking capital in the most new most-important region in the world: Europe.

This is going to be fun.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely! We're thinking of attending. You?

Ronnie said...

That *would* be brilliant, but I will definitely go to see all the new buildings and everything. I remember my first viewing of the Swiss Re tower and all of those other Milliennial structures, like that bridge near the Tate and the London Eye ... they blew my mind. I can only imagine how the city is going to be further transmogrophied. It's not that I'm some architecture buff, I just find the vibe of a city on the move intoxicating!