01 August 2008

Hang on a Mo'

SAgent00Soul alerts me to this mind blowing fact: Stephen Fry ... yes, Stephen Fry of Jeeves and Wooster ... is a Mac-head! So now, in addition to being half of the comedy team of Fry and Laurie (as in Hugh Laurie), and in addition to being a major presence one of my favourite TV shows of all time, Blackadder (which really deserves a posting of its own soon), Fry shares my enthusiasm for gadgets. Oh, and I also left him off the list of cool British Jews. Well, I left Peter Sellers off that list too, but I think you need to be alive to qualify.

Fry maintains a blog called Dork Talk. He claims to be the second-ever Mac owner in Europe and that he never met a smartphone he didn't like. Recently, he waxed rhapsodic about the 3rd Gen iPhone. Fry caused a minor kerfuffle when he criticised the BBC technology editors for not doing enough stories on Apple. In his reply, the head of the section started with a classic line: "I feel a little uneasy disagreeing with a national treasure ..."

Enjoy this minor row, and tuck into Fry's blog with abandon.

Second conclusion to this post: Look soon, dear readers, for love letters to Rowan Atkinson and Hugh Laurie. I especially owe Laurie one. Beside doing a great American accent, he has added to marital bliss here in the Phonybrit household: House is one of exactly two shows on telly that my wife and I agree on. The other one's Mad Men.

Hmmm ... Now I have three things in my life with no visible ties to the UK: the Boss, the Amazin's (as previously mentioned) -- and now Mad Men.

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