04 August 2008

Another Fine Mess

It's all pretty complicated, but suffice it to say that the Prime Minster of Great Britain has got himself, to use an Americanism, up s**t's creek without a paddle.

It would take more space than we have here to explain what going on (not that I even fully understand what's going on). Apparently there are Blair holdovers in the cabinet either plotting to oust Gordon Brown (or not, depending on whom you believe), polls calling him the worst PM in 60 years (and that includes John Major!), a missive from Tony Blair lambasting Brownie's performance ...

It's amazing that just a year ago, Brown was getting excellent notices on his handling those dreadful floods last summer and the bus and train terror attacks -- but it just goes to show you, on either side of the Atlantic, it's the economy, stupid. Labour have to start listening to all of the fancy campaign experts they import from Washington.

In an interesting sidebar: it looks like the David Miliband is set to take over Labour, but there is a chance that one Harriet Harman could take over as well (both are seen in the beginning of the clip below). With Tsipi Livni possibly taking over Kadima in Israel and with Hillary Clinton coming so close to success here, there could have been a estrogen trifecta. Then again, if it wasn't for the tragedy in Pakistan, there may have been a female PM there too.

Back in Westminster: When was the moment the applecart tipped over? This session (see below) of Parliament, held at the end of 2007, could have been that very moment. Everyone loves Questions for the Prime Minister ... If you listen carefully, can you hear something cracking, just before Brownie answers that second question from the Tory leader, David Cameron?

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