11 September 2009

My Favorite Torry

The British Parliament is coming up a lot in conversation lately. Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst during President Obama's address to Congress is being seen, even by some who disagree with him, as being firmly in the vain of the "Questions for the Prime Minister" sessions popularized here on C-SPAN. (Of course, even MPs don't call each other liars, but that's hair splitting.)

Then just yesterday, I heard London's mayor, Boris Johnson, on BBC4's Great Lives talking about Samuel Johnson. We just don't have politicians like that. I can't really imagine a Republican going on some radio show and talking about a non-political topic besides sport. Yet, this Oxford grad seemed very well at home talking about 18th century intellectuals.

And since all but the most extreme Conservative members actually believe in making sure that an illness shouldn't wipe out a family financially, I'd be proud to have him as my mayor. Something tells me that he's not going to stop with being mayor though. He's only 45 years old.

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