09 December 2008

There's a What?!!

Okay, this is too good to be true. Phonybrit readers already know I'm obsessed by that crazy island nation and super-obsessed by the point where British culture and Jewish culture meet (look at the archives ... you'll see).

I've just learned that there's a podcast run by the Jewish Community Centre for London and the Guardian called Sounds Jewish. This is dangerous.

This month, one of the guests was a school chum of one of my dearest friends when they both were at Oxford. This is the guy who first taught me Cockney rhyming slang. I can still remember it, we were walking from the National, after seeing a show, with the Thames so close you could smell it (this was the late 80s). To tell you the truth, at first I thought he was winding me up -- and then my eyes glazed over as if he were explaining quantum physics.

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