01 October 2009

Finally ... MARMITE

I've always heard of it, never tasted it.

So when I was breaking the fast from Yom Kippur, and my new friend Charlie from London brought a jar of Marmite for his kids to eat (they can't get enough of the stuff), I jumped at the chance. Brits grow up with this gooey concoction, and it's next to impossible to get here. Most Americans think it's vile, but if you grow up with anything ... most people around the world don't care for our peanut butter, for instance.

What did I think? I liked it. Probably too intense of a taste to break a fast with -- it's a byproduct of beermaking: yeasty and salty, a bit like a spreadable bullion cube. But that's making it sound bad, which it isn't.

Goes great with bagels.

1 comment:

Doug said...

Have you seen this vid of The Amateur Gourmet trying marmite? It's pretty funny.