29 April 2011

When I Got Choked Up

Okay, I've been on hiatus, but it's Royal Wedding Day and I had to say something. Of course what else can be said when the anchors on the news channels had to vamp for vast amounts of time. You know what was missing? Any proper descriptions at all of the "flyover" -- they call it a "fly-past" over there.

They're going on about the dress, and the kiss and f-all when the three WWII era airplanes were flying over their heads making a rousing racket. Come on, people.

The planes were a Spitfire, a Hurricane and a Lancaster in a memorial to the Battle of Britain. Now that was thrilling. They were followed by some modern planes (yawn), but those three heroes ...What a thrill. What those actual planes and ones like them did to save the world.

Well, that's the British monarchy for you. It's actually a great way to get into the history, but most people couldn't tell you about Oliver Cromwell, etc., -- but they could name Kate's designer.

Bravo to the RAF, Her Majesty's Air Force. Here's a YouTube clip I found of the same three planes at another event -- you can see them a little better than what CNN, et al. captured ...


Ronnie said...

Mark, I know your dad (may his memory be for a blessing) was an aviation enthusiast. I'm sure he would have agreed that a demonstration of those three planes beats any monarchs, no matter what they were wearing and how many times they kissed.

Anonymous said...

As a Brit, it's really interesting to hear what the rest of the world thought about the royal wedding day! I agree though, not enough mention of the fly-past!
Great blog btw:)