They're going on about the dress, and the kiss and f-all when the three WWII era airplanes were flying over their heads making a rousing racket. Come on, people.
The planes were a Spitfire, a Hurricane and a Lancaster in a memorial to the Battle of Britain. Now that was thrilling. They were followed by some modern planes (yawn), but those three heroes ...What a thrill. What those actual planes and ones like them did to save the world.
Well, that's the British monarchy for you. It's actually a great way to get into the history, but most people couldn't tell you about Oliver Cromwell, etc., -- but they could name Kate's designer.
Bravo to the RAF, Her Majesty's Air Force. Here's a YouTube clip I found of the same three planes at another event -- you can see them a little better than what CNN, et al. captured ...