26 May 2009


Don't forget to look at the video replies; they're pretty funny too. Here's just one:

19 May 2009

Joanna Lumley is Absolutely Fabulous Pt. 2


I never thought I'd say this, but Joanna Lumley for PM.

The Bond Girl and New Avenger and Patsy from AbFab has now become a major activist on the political scene.

Good on ya.

08 May 2009

If You're Easily Offended, P**s Off

A submission by reader Chris ... Good stuff, but grotie in parts. The parody of the Eastenders theme is worth price of admission!

06 May 2009

You're What?!

Get this: The trouble and strife is going to London on business in few weeks and not taking me!

Worst part -- I can't even show a picture of her here because she's a restaurant reviewer. Okay, that's not the worst part. The worst part is that we had planned to go there for our anniversary in a few months, a plan derailed by the economy. And now, I'm out of the picture!


01 May 2009

Come on, FB!

So, I when given an option I always tick "English (UK)" just for the fun of it. I have British English on my GPS, as you can see here.

But come on, Facebook lads and lassies ... is this all you can come up with as being different to Americans? Mobile vs. cellphone? Neighbourhood vs. Neighborhood?